Gurbani Di Vilakhanta
This book elaborates the uniqueness of Gurbani. The book renders path-breaking information on three aspects viz. the determination of unique messages of Gurbani, the unique etymology of Gurbani and the unique pronunciation of Gurbani.
The determination of unique messages of Gurbani is based on pioneering interpretation of different types of Ghar in Gurbani. Each type of Ghar is a unique method of interpretation of different messages of Gurbani.
The unique etymology of Gurbani renders unique meanings of the words in Gurbani that are significantly different from usage of the same words in other languages.
The unique pronunciation of words of Gurbani has been derived on the basis of Gurbani grammar wherein tones of vowels and consonants as they appear in first, middle or last letters of noun, pronoun, and verb have been established by employing systematic linguistic approach.
This book, an outcome of more than two decades of research by Dr. Charan Kamal Singh, thereby reveals significant information about the fundamental, yet, unexplored aspects of Gurbani. It shall go a long way in bringing about uniformity in interpretation of Gurbani, in accordance with the guidelines of Guru Sahib enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
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